יום ראשון, 23 ביולי 2017

מחלות לב וכלי דם דרכי טיפול ומניע - כולסטרול ונוגדי חמצון

דר' קובי עזרא Ph.D מספר על מחלות לב וכלי דם דרכי טיפול ומניע כולסטרול HDL LDL ונוגדי חמצון.
תודה לאתר: http://diet2all.net

הסבר קטן על ערכי כולסטרול ומשמעותם, על מנת לאבחן את מצב הכולסטרול בדם נדרש ממכם לבצע בדיקת דם שבאמצעותה נגלה את ערכי הכולסטרול שבחזור הדם שלנו. בבדיקות דם המדדים החשובים הם: רמת כולסטרול כללי, רמת כולסטרול LDL, רמת כולסטרול HDL ורמות טריגליצרידים.

How to raise positive cholesterol? Nutrition Prevent Heart Disease?
Hello to our viewers today in Don on how to prevent the process of arterial stenosis that causes many cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, CVA, pulmonary embolism, PVD-obstructive pulmonary disease. What foods help reduce cholesterol and prevent atherosclerotic processes in the arteries, and what about physical activity? Is it really recommended? All this and more after the opening.
Cholesterol is found in every cell in our body and has very important functions. It is essential as part of building the cells in our body from the membranes. It is used as a building block for the creation of steroid hormones and more. The cholesterol is carried in our blood stream by proteins called lipoproteins, such as LDL, HDL, VLDL , IDL-density lipoproteins.
Lipoproteins are complexes of fats and proteins and hence their name: Lipo-fat, protein-protein, the pimples for the transfer in body and blood of fatty acids, cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins as ADEK.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is delivered to all parts of the body. If the blood cholesterol level is high, the cholesterol will continue to circulate in the blood. Over time, cholesterol may penetrate the walls of blood vessels where it can accumulate. The accumulation of layers of cholesterol can lead to narrowing of blood vessels and hence an increase in the risk of heart disease.
Low density lipoprotein (HDL), works for cholesterol transport; When the cholesterol level is high, HDL drives the excess cholesterol back to the liver where it breaks down. And is therefore considered an essential factor in preventing atherosclerosis.
Treatment of high cholesterol levels should be combined with a low-cholesterol diet and saturated fats, especially those coming from the animal world, personalized exercise, and nutrition program correlations. Of course, there are also the pharmacological treatments, such as: statins drugs, etc. But we have already talked about other clips.
The nutritional treatment will usually include foods rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, and on the other hand, avoiding mainly fatty foods and junk food (pizzas, chips, burekas, cookies, etc.). Tomatoes, lycopene, apples, pectin and soy products known for their effect on lipid balance, avoiding eating fried foods, adding omega-3 fatty acids on a daily basis, and sometimes Replacing the meat with fish, etc. ... in the sense that the patient should be treated personally and in accordance with his condition.
Pomegranate juice is also known to be an effective cause of atherosclerosis. The study found that the antioxidants found in the pomegranate juice may help to a high cholesterol level. It was found that drinking pomegranate juice protects the oxidation of LDL-C from oxidation, which is perhaps the main cause of atherosclerosis.
Aerobic exercise 3 times a week, such as walking, running, dancing, swimming, etc., helps to improve blood flow and normalization, thereby reducing the accumulation of plaque in the walls of the arteries, thus reducing atherosclerosis. In addition, intensive exercise may create natural bypasses in the heart, making the carburetor-heart more efficient. I personally recommend combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise as a functional exercise. And of course there is a need to tailor the training program to the nutrition program and the patient in person.

תגובה 1:

  1. פעמים רבות כאשר האבחנה אינה ברורה מבצעים צנתור אבחנתי, שמטרתו להדגים את זרימת הדם בלב. - במידה ומתגלה בצנתור חסימת כלי דם ניתן לטפל בה.
